Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Molestation and Rape; common in California

This so called "Justice System" we have is really a pointless authority that ineffectively charges the accused of a crime. When it comes to child molestation, abuse or rape the sentence should have always been LIFE. Yes Murder is bad, but the damage that Molestation and Rape is lifelong. The fact that these accused and charged Most Likely will offend again should be reason enough forLife or Death. Now I know that a lot of people are not going to agree with me, but the mothers involved are equally responsible because if the abuse was by someone who is not that child's Biological father then they should have never allowed their child to be put in that situation. I say this because anybody less than and even they should be suspicious around your child. Because people don't think things like that happen, but they do. I know that there are numerous things that play a role in the opportunity for this type of abuse; drugs, alcohol, having foster or adopted parents, busy work schedule, whatever you can think up, but none of it is an Excuse. My Theory is that A CHILD DOESN'T LIE ABOUT RAPE OR MOLESTATION. No matter about parents telling their children to lie because very seldom is that the case. Again the Mothers should be able 2 tell the difference in their child once the abuse takes place because an abused child especially sexually will act out; Meaning they will do something that their attacker has done or they will display sexual behavior towards another child I chose this topic because I know someone personally who was molested from the age of 5 by a man who was not her biological uncle because her dumb Mother knew that she was no blood relation to these people but chose to leave her there anyway because she is a young and naïve mother who couldn't be a teenager and enjoy her life because she had a child at 15 by a man that was not her husband at the time. That man would do unthinkable things to a 5 year old child when he was high off of heroin and his alcoholic mother was sleep by 6pm, who was supposed to be the guardian over this child. It is hard for me to write these words, but I feel that like so many others her story needs to be told. He would take her clothes off and make her spin around in a circle while he masturbated to her under developed body. As she got older the abuse was more direct, he would then take her to the laundry room, sit on the washing machine, masturbate until the pre-ejaculation would come out and force her to lick and suck it and ejaculate all over her. He would play like he wanted to play horse on his knee or something and fondle her immature vagina. This would go on until the age of 12 when she was raped by the man who was supposed to be her Biological father and whose name she is in. I speak in detail about this because does this sound like this man BILLY RAY FRAZIER in BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA, should be walking around free to abuse more innocent little girls? I am truly angered by the fact that her mother would even leave her at these people house. What could she have been doing that important that she could not raise her child with her instead of leaving her at the paedophiles house ? Nothing, and she is so dumb and blind she doesn't notice the difference in behavior of her 1 and only child. The girl was threatened by her abuser that she would be killed so she never told anyone until she was an adult. When she was 5 years old she acted out and tried ti take the clothes off one of the female students. The teachers in 1968 were not trained enough to recognize this as acting behavior of a sexually abused child so instead of wondering why a child would do something like that she just gets punished. None of the adults around her even noticed then that something was wrong. When a child runs from and fears a person enough to run away and cry, then that person may be hurting that child. The sick molester is dead as of 2010 but he was able to get away with this for the last 42 years while a women's life has been ruined by his disgusting fetish. One of his brothers knew about it but did nothing other than take her away from that house every once in a while. His other brother BURL FRAZIER of BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA currently residing in TEXAS is the one who was supposed to be her Father but raped her.
That was a dumb situation for her to be in period because by the time she was 12, They all knew she was not his, so why in the world would her dumb mother send her with this man knowing that she was not biologically his child. He waited until it was only her, him and the 6 year old daughter of his current wife were there alone before the attack took place. She was done showering and had dressed herself when she heard a knock on the door she open the door to leave. He pushed back into the bathroom closed and locked the door and told her "I'm gonna show you how this condom work for when you start playing with little boys" ripped her clothes off defiled and raped her. He did not let her make a call home without him being there. The wife should have known something was off because I am sure that once he raped her she became even more afraid and timid. Once she was finally allowed to go home her mother did take it to court, but because he was a retired Army veteran, was not charged because his defense was he was Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and had an episode. So what the court said when they let this monster get away with it is that because you went to a war you can have an episode that causes you to rape a 12 year old girl who is legally under your last name and get away with it? The was no reason other than the fact that The United States Military and Armed Forces look after their own even if they committed an unforgivable crimes. I told this story because I know that there are thousands if not millions of people and even children today who have been exposed to such evil and disgusting acts by the adults they HAVE to depend on and no justice was served. For those who have managed to escape charges for their crimes will surely be punished by GOD.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bad Girls Club

So the casting directors asks you what makes you a Bad Girl? Im a Bad Girl because I have been on my own since I was 15 years old. I dont have a mother or father to run to when it gets hard I have to take care of myelf. Im Bad because I was once a bisexual female pimp. I've had female prostitutes who had sex for money and brought it home to me. I truly believed that I am bad because I was almost raped and the pervert bit me on my face and chest, I got away and I have been fighting men and women ever since. I dont trust no one, unless they have earned that place in my life. I am so starightforward and blunt that people call me mean and rude, but I dont really give a damn about what people say or think about me because they dont pay my bills or write the checks with my name on them. I am a narcissist because I dont think Im attractive, I know I am gorgeous, sexy and every other synonym for eye candy! I am confident and not afraid of anything are any one except for God!
Im a 23 year old lesbian and Im not afraid to say it or act like. I would give the Bad Girls Club and BGC Mansion a taste of the one and only St. Louis Thurlbred©!